Conservative Republican Jennifer Gross
*Pro Life, Pro Family - Sponsor of pro life legislation HR 132 and HB 421
*Pro Medical Freedom - The Sponsor HB248 the Vaccine Choice Anti-Discrimination Act
*Pro Second Amendment - NRA, Ohio Gun Owners, Buckeye Fire Arms member - Cosponsor HB227. New Joint Sponsor of the Ohio 2nd Amendment Protection Act 2023-2024
*Air Force Lt. Colonel (Ret.) 21 year veteran served in the Gulf War and Sarajevo
*PRO Ohio Worker: supports legislation to preserve and protect Ohio JOBS
*Small Business Advocate - support and sponsors deregulatory legislation
*Fiscal Conservative - Sponsor: Ohio HB 234 to abolish the CAT Tax
*Limited Government/Supports the Constitution
*Opposes Sanctuary Cities
*CCW Licensed
*Family Nurse Practitioner - experience in occupational medicine, research, gerontology & telemedicine
*American Legion 2nd Vice Commander Post 681 and VFW Life Member
*Married to Chris; mother of two sons

55KRC Brian Thomas Show October 30th 2020 - Vote Jennifer Gross
October 30th 2020:
Listen to Jennifer Speak at the 90 min mark live here >>>>> https://www.iheart.com/podcast/139-brian-thomas-55krc-25690995/episode/55krc-friday-show-tech-friday-73163804/?cmp=web_share&embed=true
Thank you!
April 28th 2020 Victory!
Memorial Day Speech 2019
What an honor to be selected to be the guest speaker to remember our fallen brothers and sisters.